About Us
Nairalytics is a repository of financial, market and macro-economic data from the Nigerian economy. We provide our subscribers with timely access to insightful and actionable macroeconomic data, corporate finance data, consumer price data, and pricing analytics.
Our data sources include but are not limited to Nigerian Bureau of Statistics, Central Bank of Nigeria, Security and Exchange Commission Nigeria, Debt Management Office, and World Bank among other local and international bodies. Furthermore, we also commission independent research organizations to generate, verify and publish bespoke data and insights.

Nairalytics output transforms unstructured data from various sources into a succinct and user friendly format for our subscribers to download or view whilst data visualization is also offered with charts, infographics and interactive tables.
Our data is targeted at research organizations, academics, research departments, units of corporate organizations, and foreign and local investors looking for Nigerian data
The Team

Ugochukwu Obi-Chukwu
Founder/Lead PartnerUgo is the founder and Partner at Nairametrics Financial Advocates, owners of Nairalytics.com. Ugo is a chartered accountant with over 18 years working experience. His work experience covers Accounting, Corporate Finance, Financial Management, Corporate Strategy, Business development, Change Management, and Personal Finance.

Edward Okonkwo
PartnerEdward holds undergraduate degrees in Finance, Accountancy, aswell as, a post-graduate degree in Computer Science fromuniversities both in Nigeria and United Kingdom. Additionally,he is a Chartered Accountant (ACCA) with extensiveprofessional exposure within the Financial Services industrybased on his work experience with major financial institutionsacross the globe. He is a keen believer in informationarbitrage and tries to explore his interests in travellingwhen time affords.

Chris Pemu
General ManagerChris has a degree in Political Science from the University ofLagos. Chris has over 10 years’ experience in businessdevelopment, digital printing, and media. He joinedNairametrics in 2014 as News Editor and later as ManagingEditor. He is currently the General Manager at Nairametrics.He loves traveling, enjoys world politics and in sport, heloves watching football and tennis.